The name ‘Autism Oxford’ was first used by the Oxfordshire charity, ‘Children in Touch’, when they held their International Conference: ‘The Search for Coherence from the Fragments of Autism’ at Christchurch College, Oxford, in 1999. We are indebted to the late Sheila Coates and other trustees of Children in Touch and the conference organisers for agreeing to our use of the name ‘Autism Oxford’.
‘Autism Oxford’ was originally known as ‘Autism Speakers and Professionals’ which was founded in 2007 by Kathy Erangey in response to the need for high quality, affordable training on Autistic Spectrum Condition for professionals and family members. Running as a small business (limited company) with social aims.
In 2020 Kathy retired, and Autism Oxford UK was taken over by Kimberley Ashwin who is a parent to two neurodivergent children.
She has also worked in the NHS supporting autistic people, leading on the Greenlight Toolkit for Oxfordshire. She has been formally recognised for her work by being shortlisted for the National Learning Disability and Autism Awards in 2018 and invited to speak at the Houses Of Parliament.
Autism Oxford UK continue to strive to ensure autistic people and their support networks are able to access the right support at the right time, while also promoting the benefits of autistic people being part of the workforce. We are a small business that is growing in numbers of employees but also in what we offer as a limited company.